
If you want to know about an individual Epic Gang member, click on a member on the members page.

Who we are

The Epic Gang is a (currently) non-profit organization who publish videos and blogs to the web. Our primary focus is on gaming, and so is our video, but as it evolved we are doing animations too. Anyone can be in the Epic GangContact us if you have a talent that you think will make the Epic Gang better!

Our structure as an organisation is split into the Epic Gang HRSenior SquadJunior Jumpers and Baby Bumpers and everyone in it has an Epicly Awesome nickname like “Epic Bee” or “Epic Slug”.



The Epic Gang was created by Epic Hedgehog, Epic Fish and Epic Tortoise at the Zoo where Epic Hedgehog, the founder asked “If you could be any animal, what would it be?“. The question gave them their Epic Names, Epic Hedgehog, Fish and Tortoise. The logo was created by the trio consisting of their favorite colours combined: purple, orange, green, blue. They wanted it to become a YouTube channel but they didn’t know how to make one. Less than 1 year later the Epic Gang was introduced to Mullafacation who joined the Epic Gang as Epic Slug and created the Epic Gang channel and created a digital copy of the Epic Gang logo. He did not know what Epic Hedgehog wanted the background to be because it was a circle and YouTube needed the logo to be square. Epic Hedgehog asked Mullafacation to put the logo on his ROBLOX avatar and he logged on to ROBLOX and found out what Epic Slug had put the background as: pink. Epic Hedgehog wasn’t too happy so it became black. Epic Slug created the first video, The Life Of Epic Hedgehog, an animation. He is hoping to do more animations for the channel but so far he hasn’t. After that, Epic Hedgehog did lots of ROBLOX and Minecraft videos with Epic Slug A while later (15 October 2017) , Epic Slug released The Epic Gang Website, but it was quite different to the one you see here. It was more like mullafacation.com. The Epic Gang didn’t post videos for a long time until Epic Hedgehog got a PlayStation 4 which had a “broadcast” option. So Epic Hedgehog began streaming Terraria, Fortnite and two videos of Minecraft and one of Overwatch. Epic Slug returned for our 30ᵗʰ subscriber special and then started working on the new Epic Gang website you see here. Over time more and more people have joined the Epic Gang and it has grown since Summer 2016. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the Epic Gang in the past years. Thank you.

Epic “Mullafacation” Slug

High Rank, Official leader of the Senior Squad, Designer and CTO of the Epic Gang