2 New Epic Gangers!

Today I would like to announce 2 new Epic Gangers that will join us on the same day! These are Epic Wolf and Epic Gecko!

Epic Wolf
  • Epic Wolf was in a conversation with Epic Hedgehog about the Gang and wanted to join us, Epic Ducky wasn’t available because of Epic Duckling having a similar name. They offered to change there name but at that time she had already made up her mind. Epic Duckling is going to have a name change but I have completely forgotten what he wanted his name to be. :/ We’ll have to wait ’till tomorrow.
Epic gecko
  • I (Epic Slug) made a parent company for Epic Gecko’s New Empire called IOES (International Organisation of Evil Spies) because I thought the New Empire was evil (the Empire was evil in Star Wars) so I changed it to the International Organisation of Economical Stuff. However we had a “vote” for who would be POTU (Presedent of The Universe) And IOES happened to be up against the Epic Gang (who I just found out about and wasn’t associated with it in any way, shape or form) and the “Goverment” (sic). The votes were cast at random using a randomiser programme I created making IOES and the Epic Gang having a 50% chance and the Government having a 0% chance (LOL). IOES won after but we had another vote and the Epic Gang won (see the end of The Life of Epic Hedgehog) so IOES and, Gecko being completely anti-Epic Gang. One of the charecters in IOES was Emperor Catatine so I said:

“When Emperor Catatine retires, what animal will be replaced with?”

He couldn’t be Epic Cat (Epic Kitten) so I didn’t instantly make him Epic Cat. It tried to avoid what Epic Hedgehog calls The Ultimate Question (“What animal would you like to be?”, the idea of the Epic Gang,) because he knew it already so I tried the sentence above.  He replied:

“I don’t know, maybe a gecko?”

So then I said that I eventually got him to say his Epic Name so now he is now in the Epic Gang. Very sneaky >:)

Hopefully he will become pro-Epic Gang soon, because he was in the videos (as connor11102006).