Posts are back!

Hello! Sorry for the delay of posts due to our Halloween break but we are back. We don’t have to give away spoilers but because everyone was so patient we will have multiple topics here when usually we do a topic per day so we don’t end up speechless like on 1 November when the only thing we could say was that we couldn’t say anything. So anyways, that doesn’t matter because Epic Gang Adventures is coming up and we will have loads to talk about. Let’s start.

Why is mullafacation’s ROBLOX hat stuck in his head?


This isn’t really related but viewers would notice more watching My First Video: ROBLOX Assassin  would have noticed because he has Hela’s Crown on now so it’s hard to see. Well, I have the Trim head so the hat (you get it when adding email) went into my head and it changed the shape of the eyes because it was covering half of them so I just considered that as me. I tried changing but it just didn’t seem right (speaking of change, see below) so I left it like that ever since.

New favicon!

This isn’t specifically related to the Epic Gang but rather it’s domain name. If you go to any sites within unless I set a different favicon (like the Epic Gang), you will see a little logo at the top of your browser that’s this multicoloured “M“. It looks pretty much the same but with a clear background.

If you see this post and the logo has not changed on then don’t hesitate to  contact me immediately because it might not work on your browser. (Warning, complicated stuff ahead!) 

Your browser might not support the .ico file format as it's quite outdated and most browsers support "favicon.png". I will test it out on ChromeME and IE (although who uses IE anymore). I am probably misusing WordPress's Preformatted tool but I need to use it to distinguish the "complicated stuff" from everything else.

EDIT: Wait! Literally no browsers at all supports it. *facepalm*. Don’t contact me.

EDIT: Okay, it’s fixed but you need to empty the cache first or wait a while for it to expire. So for the non-tech guys you’ll need to wait to see the new logo. 🙁

When is Leah’s fan art going to be published?

I’m hoping Tuesday at the very latest because Epic Hedgehog has the picture and will hopefully send it to me but he might not be available Monday so it could be Tuesday I hope.

Do you have a question?

Ask by contacting us or commenting on this post.

We hope to make many, many more posts in the future. But until then, “Bye!”