Update: Epic Gang Channel Tidy-Up

Today I did a massive tidy-up on the channel, where I added loads of thumbnails with the default thumbnail, that I haven’t finished yet and I changed the name of tons of videos Epic Hedgehog made (he thinks about the content, rather then the title) + made a suitable description rather then the normal…

...In Summer 2016 Epic Hedgehog, Epic Fish and Epic Tortoise formed the Epic Gang, a group that would soon be a YouTube channel and then 1 year later we made it! We play ROBLOX, Minecraft and Terraria + much more! If you Subscribe, Like and Comment down on a video your ROBLOX / Xbox 360 / PS4 username and we might join you in a game. Our Xbox account is Epichedgehog07 and our ROBLOX is Flyborg9000 (Epic Hedgehog) jam10107 (Epic Fish) and random10107 (Epic Tortoise). From Mullafacation, Epic Gang's Technology Manager

Also, new channel art, originally it was just still from Epic Hedgehog’s birthday.

I added music to LEGO Tony Life too.